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Interviews  / Stories

Interview: Photographer kary jo (Germany)

I started already in very young years with modeling and visited a fashion model school where I learned a lot of discipline. By modeling, I got to know a lot of designers and photographers and makeup artists as well . This time my interest for makeup and styling started . So I decided to visit a school for makeup artists in Heidelberg by cc makeup school . But this didn't complete me for long and I startet 2010 with photography euch I learned by doing . My first beginning was with the canon eos 500d with just one Objektiv. Today I perform with the canon eos 7d and I am extremely happy with this camera . The 85mm and the 50 mm are my favorites .

To the time I work with fashion photography where I cooperate with a lot of designers like PONYKLAU, LARA LOCA COUTURE, LADY CARO LYNN MODEDESIGN, HELENA MARX MODEDESIGN, Herrenausstatter Alfons Klein in Dillingen/Saar and with the boutique Verena Moden in Dillingen/Saar. For my models, I chose them the specific styling and location. Also I work together with two makeup artists : Emma makeup and hair artist and Christine besselt. But Sometime I like to do the makeup by myself. I love to work outdoor and play with the given beautiful nature and sun because there i feel free without limits but my little dream and goal for next year is a own little atelier/studio where I can live my creativity. I am very interested and fascinated about all the versatility in beauty mixed with casual and chic and Charme in your magazine So I would feel very pleased to have an opportunity to work with you


The challenge to test myself with something completely new at every shooting and the fact never to know what happens next, brings the most important inspiration for me.

I love it , to work creatively and am happy when I can create things that have never been there before.


Nobody should be afraid to break certain rules. In this kind of photography (fashion), is absolute about breaking rules and set new ones.

There is no norm for any client. I comfort myself with trying and doing my own thing.

In my opinion, every photographer should find out on there own who they are and who market it to the clients who appreciate this certain style.

I think the best I have learned so far and still learn is that it is perfectly fine not to be like everyone else.

Just make things, not listen to others.

And especially not go according to the standards. I like emotions and failed models.

No standard posings and simply liveliness in the movement in the pictures .. Emotions ... Pictures tell the stories ... and yet have failed.


I set myself a lot of goals and always keep this in mind to see what I'm going to do next.

I am actively looking for new clients and shootings to always have something new, never the same and always alive ...

Selection of shoots. Model, clothing and location to the right idea.


And just as relaxed this idea of ​​shooting by me.

I work in Luxembourg and pass the Highland cattle daily. Suddenly came to me an idea, shooting

And directly I tried to find the farmer and I succeeded immediately afterwards ...

Then came the consideration that I absolutely synonymous the female models dressed in men's dresses.

And in any case masculine and feminine models are part of the shoot ...

As well as make up & hair artist.


I got in touch with the farmer and described my idea, he was equally enthusiastic ...

We made an appointment to look at everything.

The highland cattle were very tender on this day. But how are they on that day?


And there she was again the challenge I love so much ........ Working with animals absolutely not easy, you never know whats going on in there head. You can only guess. 

Each person has his own imagination and is inspired in different individual ways. 

I personally get my inspiration out of 


Just go out and meet people who show interest. 

...To be inspired by nature.

Everyone has a unique story and narratives solve emotions, which you may already inspire!


But last at least, everything went great, the weather was really nice in scottish style and the models were excellent to work with...


Emma ... is an excellent make-up & hair artist, she is fast and very accurate ... she is also a wonderful person  --- that I like ...


The Models was ; Pascal Kappes, Stas Nacy, Desiree Sutter, Fabienne Hector,


We got the Men's clothing from Klein in Dillingen / Saar ... which sale wonderful men's suits and clothing from small size to top on ... from sporty to elegant ... there you can find absolutely everything!


I am so thankful for the whole team they all was just fantastic ...



Kary JO


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